Independent Learning
Sparx Maths will be used for independent learning at both KS3 and KS4. Students will be set weekly personalised tasks providing just the right amount of challenge that directly links to the Maths curriculum your child is following. The independent learning in Maths
The website is
When logging in to SPARX, students need to select Newark Academy as their school and will then be asked to enter their username and password. Student’s username is their first and last name, all lowercase. For example, Joe Bloggs would have a username of joebloggs. Alternatively Students can also login with their school account/password by clicking the “login with Microsoft Account” button.
All tasks will be given a week to complete and will be set on the same day each week. Tips to support your child with SPARX Maths can be found from the link below.
All tasks will be uploaded to Satchel One. Should you have any questions please speak to your child’s Maths teacher who will be happy to help.
For KS5, students will be set independent study challenges consolidating content covered in their lessons.