Welcome to Careers

Newark Academy are committed to delivering the highest quality careers education, information, advice and guidance (CEIAG) to all students form year 7 through to year 13, ensuring that all students have exposure to the best opportunities available to support their personal development and chosen pathways.

Our aim is that when a student leaves Newark Academy, they are fully prepared for the next step for success, whatever that looks like for each individual student.

The strategic plan for careers is reviewed annually and the next date for review is August 2023. We gather feedback from stakeholders throughout the year and also use the Future Skills Questionnaire with all students, to help analyse the effectiveness of the careers programme.

To help us do this we link our careers guidance to the Gatsby Benchmarks which have been explicitly referenced throughout the DfE’s Careers Strategy (January 2023) and the new Statuary Guidance for careers (January 2018). These all 8 benchmarks out lined below:

  1. A stable careers programme
  2. Learning from career and labour market information
  3. Addressing the needs of each pupil
  4. Linking curriculum learning to careers
  5. Encounters with employers and employees
  6. Experiences of workplaces
  7. Encounters with further and higher education
  8. Personal guidance


  • To enable students to make informed choices about their future career paths.
  • To be committed to giving students insight into developments in careers information, including social media and networking.
  • To maintain and develop links with a range of external and community organisations to provide students with opportunities for work placements, mentoring etc.
  • To provide comprehensive information, advice and guidance in all student’s career education.


  • To provide opportunities for students to identify their strengths, aspirations and options through a variety of means, including discussions with subject teachers, class teachers and career staff.
  • To help students to understand and develop the necessary skills to equip them for whatever career path they choose.
  • To research and provide up-to-date information about employment, labour market trends, FE courses and training providers, undergraduate courses and work experience.
  • To ensure and promote the importance of the Careers Service and ensure that all pupils at KS4 have interviews with an impartial, qualified careers guidance practitioner.

Quality in Careers Standard - please click here to see the Certificate awarded to Newark Academy which certifies that we have publicly committed to work towards meeting the quality in careers standards incorporating the Gatsby Benchmarks.

For student entitlement please click Student Entitlement

To view our CEIAG policy or Provider Access Legislation click PAL & CEIAG Policy

To view Newark Academy's destination measures, please click on Destination Measures 2024 Leavers

The Careers Leader at Newark Academy is Mrs Brown abrown@newarkacademy.co.uk

For Employers

Newark Academy is committed to working with employers to provide opportunities and experiences that will enrich the CEIAG programme.

If any employers would like to get in touch and support our offer, please contact Ali Brown (abrown@newarkacademy.co.uk) to being discussions on how we can work together.

Staff resources

For any staff wishing to gain a FREE level 2 qualification in Careers Education & Guidance, please visit the below link.

Unifrog - Unifrog is a complete careers platfor, that students, staff and parents all have access to. For staff, you are able to support students with their aspirations, but also link careers to your curriculum areas.


https://www.careerpilot.org.uk/job-sectors - This website will allow you to search for labour market information in relation to subjects and will also be useful in looking at what subjects and qualifications will get you into particular work sectors.

October 2024


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