Key Stage 3
Year 7
Building on their Key Stage 2 experience, students are reintroduced to the key themes that underpin PD, exploring each through examples that are both age appropriate and relevant to their own lives. Thus, they develop the core knowledge, understanding and emotional literacy required to participate actively, positively, safely and responsibly in today’s society. Lessons promote discussion and debate, thereby supporting student oracy and literacy.
Learning Journey
Themes, Concepts and Questions
- What are emotions and do they govern us?
- What are the healthy strategies for coping with difficult emotions?
- What is mental health?
- How can we recognize when our or other people’s mental health is deteriorating and what can we do?
Key Knowledge
- Emotional intelligence
- Overwhelming
- Health and unhealthy
- Dopamine
- Serotonin
- Endorphins
- Oxytocin
- Depression
- Anxiety
- Trauma
Themes, Concepts and Questions
- How can you develop skills and qualities employees are looking for?
- How can we set realistic yet ambitious targets?
- What is a lifelong learner?
- How does stereotyping lead to bullying?
- What are the structures in place to stop bullying?
Key Knowledge
- Independent learning
- Resilience
- Time management
- Unifrog
- SMART goal setting
- Physical, verbal, social and cyber bullying
- Pupil wellbeing
- Stereotyping
- Discrimination
Themes, Concepts and Questions
- What are the risks when using the internet?
- How can you set healthy and appropriate boundaries online?
- How to report online activity that is harmful or illegal
- Why should we protect ourselves online?
Key Knowledge
- Parental controls
- Privacy settings
- Catfishing
- Grooming
- Consent
- Oversharing
- Addiction
- Echo chamber
- Misinformation
- Disinformation
Themes, Concepts and Questions
- What are the biggest risks young people face in Newark?
- Why do we need to understand the highway code?
- What are the risks involved with vaping and smoking?
- Why is underage drinking risky?
- What are the social and legal risks of smoking cannabis?
Key Knowledge
- Risk
- Traumatic brain injury
- Dutch reach over
- Safety
- Nicotine
- Illegal
- Alcohol
- Classification
Themes, Concepts and Questions
- What are the traits of a healthy relationships?
- How does the media influence our views on healthy relationships?
- Why is truth important within all relationships?
- How can we successfully maintain a relationship?
Key Knowledge
- Relationships
- Toxic relationships
- Coercion
- Honesty
- Manipulation
- Communication
- Trust
- Consent
Themes, Concepts and Questions
- What are the benefits of exercise and eating a balanced diet?
- What is personal hygiene?
- How you get a healthy school and life balance?
- How can we find a balance between online activities and exercise?
Key Knowledge
- Body shaming
- Fatist
- Blue light
- Melatonin
- Routine
- Social media
- Tampons
- Deodorant
Skill Development
Students will develop the following skills;
a) Self-esteem – Students will have the opportunity to reflect on themselves and learn content in a safe and loving environment, hearing from other people and improving the opinion they have of themselves.
b) Resilience – Students will tackle tricky topics that require tenacity and open mindedness, this helps them to build up resilience to real life situations and learning.
c) Advocacy - Students will learn how to advocate for themselves, learn how to express their views and understand how to help other’s express their views.
Year 8
Revisiting the core PD themes across Year 8, students now begin to consider more challenging and complex issues within each unit of study. In doing so, they experience open and honest dialogue on big questions and engage positively in this. They become increasing articulate, confident and enabled to express and challenge different perspectives and demonstrate a growing appreciation of the diversity of opinion on key issues.
Learning Journey
Themes, Concepts and Questions
- What are characteristics of positive health?
- What are the different healthy strategies people can use to build resilience and manage setbacks?
- How can we boost our mood?
Key Knowledge
- Mental health
- Emotional resilience
- Trauma
- Grief
- Mental Illness
- Shame
- Resilience
- Stress
- Cognitive Behavior therapy
Themes, Concepts and Questions
- What options do students have at the end of KS3?
- What are they key difference between employment and self-employment?
- How can we celebrate cultural differences?
- How can we tackle sexism, racism, homophobia, bi-phobia and transphobia?
Key Knowledge
- Career paths
- Aspirations
- Tenacity
- SMART goals
- Discrimination
- Prejudice
- Ally
- Multi-cultural
- Sexuality
- Identity
- Ableism
Themes, Concepts and Questions
- How can we make an informed decision online?
- What is the difference between misinformation and real information?
- How can young adult protect themselves online?
- How does social media influence our decision online?
Key Knowledge
- Social media platforms
- Age restrictions
- Influencer
- Apps
- Scams
- Hacking
- Grooming
- Sexting
Themes, Concepts and Questions
- What are common risks teenagers face online in Newark?
- What are the risks of sexting?
- Why is drinking alcohol bad for under 18?
- Why do people smoke or vape?
- What are the social and physical risks associated with Cannabis?
Key Knowledge
- Peer pressure
- Society
- Risks
- Red flags
- Kidnapping
- Boundaries
- Law
- Consent
- Intoxicated
- Crime
- Gateway drug
- Classification
Themes, Concepts and Questions
- How can working or volunteering impact or affect our personal relationships?
- Is emotional attachment important?
- What can happen when relationships break down?
- What is honesty important within all relationships?
Key Knowledge
- Work force
- Toxic working environment
- Employment benefits
- Altruism
- Worldwide impact
- Healthy emotional attachment
- Accountability
- Expectations vs reality
- Active listener
Themes, Concepts and Questions
- How do illegal drugs impact the body?
- What problems occur when people make unhealthy lifestyle choices?
- What is self-care and why is it important?
Key Knowledge
- Balanced diet
- Restorative sleep
- Exercise
- Meditation
- Irreversible damage
- Nurture
- Intuition
Skill Development
Students will develop the following skills;
a) Responsibility – Students have opportunities to develop their understanding of responsibility, uncover where they can take more responsibility for themselves and also others.
b) Independence - Students have a plethora of opportunities to develop a sense of independence through making informed and personal discussions.
c) Empathy – Students will be presented with a multitude of different circumstances and scenarios in which they have to imagine what it would feel like to be in that situation.
Year 9
Building on their Year 7 and 8 PD experience and the themes and concepts they have studied, our Year 9 students now are challenged to consider, and then reach independent and thoughtful judgements on, a range of more complex contemporary issues. They draw on their knowledge of the whole curriculum to demonstrate an understanding and appreciation of a wide range of perspectives and experiences. They feel increasingly empowered to engage responsibly in conversation and debate outside of the classroom setting.
Learning Journey
Themes, Concepts and Questions
- What are the myths, stigma and misconceptions regarding mental health?
- What is the value of positive mental health?
- What are the causes and triggers for unhealthy coping strategies?
Key Knowledge
- Emotional health
- Myth
- Stigma
- Misconception
- Social exclusion
- Psychogenic
- Somatogenic
- Coping strategies
- Boundaries
Themes, Concepts and Questions
- What risks are there in financial decisions?
- How do people overcome debt and financial dilemmas?
- What is abuse?
- What are the signs of grooming?
- What are the signs of exploitation?
Key Knowledge
- Employment
- National wage
- Financial risk
- Debit card
- Credit card
- Debt
- Abuse
- Exploitation
- Grooming
- Trauma
Themes, Concepts and Questions
- How can young people make informed choices online?
- What is the impact of misinformation and disinformation?
- What is digital consent and how does it impact young people?
Key Knowledge
- Manipulation
- Fake news
- Informed consent
- Freely given consent
- Unambiguous consent
- Oversharing
- Online vs reality
- Innovation
Themes, Concepts and Questions
- What are risky situations for teenagers?
- How should we respond in emergency situations?
- How can we feel more confident to tackle emergency situations?
Key Knowledge
- Sexting
- Dangerous driving
- Truancy
- Emergency situation
- First Aid
- Diabetes
- Seizure
- Fire safety
Themes, Concepts and Questions
- Why is diversity so important within relationships?
- What are gender roles and how do we evaluate expectations of them?
- How and why do people develop intimate relations?
- Why is trust and honesty important within relationships?
Key Knowledge
- Gender
- Sexuality
- Gender expression
- Biological sex
- Sexual orientation
- Romance
- Intimacy
- Transphobia
- Non-binary
- Gender fluid
Themes, Concepts and Questions
- What medical check ups do we need and why?
- How can we be responsible for our physical health?
- What are the risks and myths associated with FGM?
- What support is there to help with addiction?
- What are the misconceptions surrounding illegal and legal drugs?
Key Knowledge
- Cervical screening
- Testicular cancer
- Exercise
- Coercion
- Alcohol
- Classification
- Law
Skill Development
Students will develop the following skills;
a) Personal and social skills – Students have the opportunities to understand how to care for themselves and others and will look at how to interact positively with other people.
b) Identifying misleading content – Students will tackle misconceptions and myths in order to be safer online and in society.
c) Compassion -Students will have opportunities to be kind and friendly towards others, learning about how other people in society feel and are treated.